“If inspectors cannot corroborate safeguarding evidence by talking to pupils, safeguarding will be judged ineffective.”
The quote above is one of the key Ofsted updates in relation to safeguarding. Here is a summary of the latest changes (go to ofstedsafe.lgfl.net for more on Ofsted and safeguarding – you will find this text plus videos of a headteacher talking about his safeguarding inspection, and we will be adding new elements in future around the existing requirements and a more comprehensive overview of the Ofsted Handbooks and Education Inspection Framework).
Are they coming?
Whilst most inspections before the summer holidays will be short inspections for those previously graded ‘inadequate’ and ‘requires improvement’, Ofsted may now also visit any ‘good’ school outside the 5-year window or indeed any school where safeguarding concerns have been flagged or noticed. Ofsted also reserves the right to convert short (S5) inspections to full (S8) ones.
There is a new section on returning to inspections post-Covid, which includes examination of the school’s approach to remote education. Whilst curriculum is of course key, are you ready to talk about how you kept everyone safe with policy and in practice (check out remotesafe.lgfl.net for our top tips in this area). Special mention is made of how those with SEND were kept safe during Covid and remote learning, given their needs and increased vulnerability to risk.
Further examination of the Covid period will include how schools continued to provide for vulnerable students and how safeguarding procedures were maintained and evolved to remain effective – how did you ensure reporting and disclosure mechanisms were maintained and nothing could fall through the gaps, both for those at home and in school?
A new paragraph was also added that highlights the importance of pupils and students understanding safeguarding and reporting procedures and feeling safe, not to mention policy being translated into practice.
“If inspectors cannot corroborate the evidence that they gather about the effectiveness of the school’s arrangements to safeguard pupils, by talking to pupils on inspection, then safeguarding will likely be judged ineffective.”
The quote above is self-explanatory but it is explained in full in a new document Inspectors talking to pupils on inspection, which highlights the importance of schools not blocking inspectors or young people from speaking to each other.
The handbook updates also include mention of how safeguarding is approached within the curriculum via RSHE (Relationships, Sex & Health Education). Whilst schools were given some flexibility, Ofsted will expect to see evidence of RSHE being taught this year and a rationale for any given approach, plus gaps identified, parents consulted and a policy published.
What about the S8 Handbook and EIF?
The changes above are from the main (Section 5) Handbook. The Section 8 Handbook has not seen significant changes regarding safeguarding but refers to the new Section 5 handbook changes, hence these remain key for any kind of inspection. The EIF (Education Inspection Framework) has only been changed to refer to handbook changes and to explain covid-secure inspections.
Further reading
Here are links to some of the key Ofsted gov.uk pages and documents: