Un drôle de blog this time – this is just a round up of the links and ideas and pointers shared today in my sessions at the LGfL TRUSTnet conference.
So apologies for the list, but…it’s a list! Also being shared on the newsletter – sign up at dslcontacts.lgfl.net
Some top viewing tips (not made by us):
Some top viewing tips (from us)
Find out about all the following topics with videos you can use for CPD in your schools with colleagues, all from the DigiSafe conference and open access here.
- Livestreaming from CEOP
- Prevent and radicalisation from various specialist speakers
- Safeguarding in PSHE from the PSHE Association
- Online pornography from the NSPCC and BBFC
- Sexting from the expert who wrote the guidance, and a real-life sexting case study
If you are interested in proactive technical monitoring solution, click here just to let us know current interest as it was a long time ago that we originally asked.
Reminders of LGfL services:
National / official documents
Staying in touch with us
- If you want us to email you (one-off, you won’t get added to a list) when the report of the pupil survey comes out, you can sign up for that here.
Our key links
EDIT – 02/05/18
- Laura Higgins joined us from UK Safer Internet Centre’s Professional Online Safety Helpline. Her presentation is here.