Safeguarding Blog

Anti-Bullying Week 2021 – NEW Posters to help Challenge Peer-on-Peer Abuse

Written by Mubina Asaria | Nov 9, 2021 1:27:47 PM

As schools prepare for Anti-Bullying Week, are ALL your staff are confident when it comes to spotting and challenging inappropriate behaviours?



Are they aware of the consequences of:

And what about the wider safeguarding implications?

So to help – we’ve created 2 new posters at to get those important discussions started and create a culture where bullying is unacceptable, because picking up on things which may seem like nothing may stop them escalating into something far more serious:

What next?

  1. Watch our Anti-Bullying Week video for top tips and ideas
  2. Put up the new posters to raise awareness and start those classroom discussions
  3. Ensure students know how to report abuse through the dedicated NSPCC Report Abuse in Education helpline – find this and other reporting channels to report bullying, harmful content, extremism, child criminal and sexual exploitation at
  4. Familiarise yourself with the latest updates on bullying and peer on peer abuse from KCSIE 2021 – see our tracked changes document at
  5. Empower staff by playing the ‘Spotlight on Bullying‘ cpd video at the start of your next staff briefing
  6. Plan an assembly and age appropriate lessons from our selection of resources at – you’ll also find some great parent activities.
  7. Stay up to date with the latest developments and guidance by attending our training at

You can find lots more great ideas and resources in our curriculum blog